McIntosh MC275 V jumper cables/ wires for parallel use

Hello Everyone,

I'm going to utilizing two McIntosh MC275s in parallel mode to drive a set of Vandersteen Quatros.  I wanted to know what MC275 owners are using/ have used as their jumper wire/ cables with setting up the amps in a parallel application along with their experiences with doing so.  Is choosing a higher quality jumper wire/ cable important or is this an area where it's not as important?  If possible, what jumpers should I consider/ look into?

Any experiences or tips with running a set of MC275s in parallel is also welcome.

Thank you.


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Showing 1 response by s4patrick

From what I understand of setting these amps as single-channel amp, McIntosh calls this "Parallel" versus that of "Bridged".  I read somewhere there's a difference between the two, but I cannot recall what that difference is.  So yes, I would like to run these MC275s as monos (one MC275 for the right-channel, & another MC275 for the left-channel).  When running these in parallel, the amp does still "see" the speakers OHMS at half.  So the 16ohm tap on the amp is needed for a set of 8ohms speakers. 

Thank you for asking on this.