McIntosh MC275 V jumper cables/ wires for parallel use

Hello Everyone,

I'm going to utilizing two McIntosh MC275s in parallel mode to drive a set of Vandersteen Quatros.  I wanted to know what MC275 owners are using/ have used as their jumper wire/ cables with setting up the amps in a parallel application along with their experiences with doing so.  Is choosing a higher quality jumper wire/ cable important or is this an area where it's not as important?  If possible, what jumpers should I consider/ look into?

Any experiences or tips with running a set of MC275s in parallel is also welcome.

Thank you.


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Showing 1 response by porchlight1

oldhvymec:  “Yuk” was not my experience at all when running a pair of MC275 Gordon Gow Commemorative edition amps as monos (paralleling the 4 ohm taps) into my Martin-Logan Quest electrostatic loudspeakers for over 20 years.  The Quests dipped to near 1 ohm in the top octave but rose markedly in impedance as it neared the crossover point to the big 12” woofer at 100Hz.  ‘Stats DO tend to be quite revealing.. I never took the temperature of the amps but I did measure current draw, which was the same whether operated in stereo or as a monoblock, about 3.6 amperes.  I replaced the initial set of output tubes (USA made Richardson KT88’s) after 12 years out of caution and amazingly they still met specification.  The second set was Svetlana KT88’s from the St. Petersburg factory and they comfortably exceeded spec when I sold the amps several years ago when I downsized after a move. The MC275 is amazingly easy on output tubes but at the expense of the driver tubes, in recent 275’s 12AT7’s, on mine the near-equivalent 12AZ7 which are still commonly available NOS for under $10 since they’re primarily were used in TVs and were branded Zenith, Motorola, Channel Master, etc though they were all manufactured by either GE or RCA.  As far as the OP question, I made my own jumpers from several insulated 6 nines copper wire strands retrieved from a scrap of Audioquest speaker cable and some nice AQ spades.