McIntosh MC275 V jumper cables/ wires for parallel use

Hello Everyone,

I'm going to utilizing two McIntosh MC275s in parallel mode to drive a set of Vandersteen Quatros.  I wanted to know what MC275 owners are using/ have used as their jumper wire/ cables with setting up the amps in a parallel application along with their experiences with doing so.  Is choosing a higher quality jumper wire/ cable important or is this an area where it's not as important?  If possible, what jumpers should I consider/ look into?

Any experiences or tips with running a set of MC275s in parallel is also welcome.

Thank you.


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Showing 1 response by oldhvymec

The Older Macs can be in series or paralleled. Look at the schematic for a 240 or 275. A pair of MC30 or 60 same thing.. You can stack the old  Macs..

Bridged is in series. Usually 8 ohms is the lowest you want to go.

Paralleled a Mac will do 2 ohms. RUNS HOT but it will push 2 ohms in parallel. SQ wise, YUK!! you need to be at least 6-8 ohms to help it out.

Mac has a sound, stacked or in parallel they do sound different.. Parallel is better in MOST cases.. Distortion goes up .5 to 1-2%. You'll hear 2% if your speakers are revealing at ALL. Usually high E speakers.. 90+

The weird thing is you might like the 2% distortion.. Just a tube thing..
I like it just a tad cleaner. .5 is plenty at 1-10khz
