McIntosh MC275 V jumper cables/ wires for parallel use

Hello Everyone,

I'm going to utilizing two McIntosh MC275s in parallel mode to drive a set of Vandersteen Quatros.  I wanted to know what MC275 owners are using/ have used as their jumper wire/ cables with setting up the amps in a parallel application along with their experiences with doing so.  Is choosing a higher quality jumper wire/ cable important or is this an area where it's not as important?  If possible, what jumpers should I consider/ look into?

Any experiences or tips with running a set of MC275s in parallel is also welcome.

Thank you.


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Showing 2 responses by fiesta75

Got it, looks like a bridge circuit. I'm not a hybrid amp expert, so I'm going to stay out of it. Guessing that when you are using output transformers, that may be called parallel. Good luck!
Help me understand your term parallel. Are you talking about bridging each MC275 amplifier for mono use?