McIntosh MC2102 tube or MC402 solid state amp.

Will the McIntosh MC2102 tube amp sufficiently drive my Apogee Mini-Grand ribbon speakers in a large room (approx.
30x25) with cathedral ceiling or would a solid state amp
(either McIntosh MC402 or Sim Audio W-5) be better?
My preamp is a McIntosh C2200 tube. Currently my Stage ribbon speakers (bi-amplified) are driven by a Classe DR9 amp and the subwoofers by a McCormack DNA-1. My plan is drive the subwoofers with the Classe DR9 and the ribbons with a
McIntosh MC2102 tube amp. My goal is a more "musical" sound. My listening is primarily female vocalists, small
instrumental groups, string instruments and stage show
musicals. Any advice will be deeply appreciated.
The 2102 will not be enough for the Apogees. The 402 will but the 602 would be even better.
I appreciate the above responses. The Apogee's impedence is 3 ohms and sensitivity is 81.5 dB. I've decided to go solid state ( less heat and maintenance ) and my budget will finalize the choice between a MC402 and MC602.
I appreciate the above responses. The Apogee's impedence is 3 ohms and sensitivity is 81.5 dB. I've decided to go solid state ( less heat and maintenance ); either the
MC402 or MC602 ( my budget will finalize the choice ).