McIntosh MC162 vs. MC7270

I currently own the MC162 and enjoy it very much. I can pick up a MC7270 for a little less than what I could sell the MC162. Can anyone comment on the differences between the two? I know the 7270 has autoformers. I have a pair of Dynaudio 1.3SE's and while I feel the MC162 drives them okay I wonder if the extra power from the MC7270 would be an audible improvement. Thanks.
Unfortunately, I have no way of trying it out on my system before I buy. I appreciate the responses.
All we can do is "guess" which one you'll like. Taste is so personal. I would guess the 7270 would be a noticable improvement because of the power and the autoformers. Anyway of trying it first? Good luck.
Yes, I think the extra power would help you out. However, the 162 will have a lower output impedance than the 7270 because it is direct coupled and so will get you a better damping factor (although this wouldn't be a big deal with monitors).

I like the 7270 a lot but if you want real grunt, I would suggest you get a 7200 for about the same price, maybe even a little less (mine is not for sale ;). The 7200 is a real powerhouse into low impedances; performance graphs in Audio Magazine put it at 500W into 4 ohms - almost double what the 7270 would give you. Also, I found the 7200 to be more detailed, even when compared to the newer McIntoshes. Finally, the 7200 has a very low output impedance thanks to 28 direct-coupled output transistors and it makes my JM Labs sing like no other amp I have had. Anyhow, all of them are great so try one and see what you think. Arthur