McIntosh MC 275 Mark VI

I own a McIntosh C-2300 Preamplifier, which is an all tube design and Harbeth SHL5 speakers

1. Has anyone paired this with a Mcintosh MC 275 Mark V or VI amplifier, and what are your impressions?
2. Suggestions or other stereo tube power amplifiers to pair with the McIntosh C-2300. Looking for some actual experience that someone may have had.  Prima Luna, ZOTL, Rogue, VTL, BAT?

Showing 1 response by tallens

First post!  On any forum, anywhere!

MC275 Mk6 vs MC152

I'm in the process of auditioning a MC275 mk6 against my MC152.  Preamp is a C2600.  I googled the heck out of this hoping for some helpful info but i just couldn't find i bought both.  Not at the same time.

Using both Rega P6 with Hana SL, and Tidal through bluesound node 2i as sources.  Speakers are ML Electrostatics with passive 8 inch driver.  

I purchased the MC275 mk6 wanting an all tube core to my system, instead of the hybrid.  I bought the MC152 about 7 months ago and have really enjoyed it.  I'm really on the fence after about a week of listening.