Mcintosh MC-1502 tube amp

Hi All,

    I've seen video and reviews of Mcintosh's MC-1502 but I'm not fortunate enough to find one available for listening locally.  Has anyone have experience with this amp and does it perform well with difficult to drive low frequency bass speakers like B&W 800 diamond series?  I notice the MC-1502 is a rare tube amp that has 2ohm tap, can it really drive power down to 2ohm?  Thanks ahead.


Showing 1 response by hifineubee

hi ghdprentice, thanks for your thought, I have owned a Class D Mcintosh MC-152 amp and recently been listening to their Class AB Mcintosh MC-462, in general I find their SS amps too relaxing (lack speed and dynamics) while at the same time not lush enough to duplicate the 300B tube like experience

I dont have experience with their tube amp hence curious to learn more