McIntosh MAC 1900/PSB 5T burning smell

I recently bought a MAC 1900 from someone on ebay with 100% positive feedback (I mention that only because I have to assume the seller wasn't selling me snake oil). It was well packed but I'm sure it was turned on it's side and/or upside down a number of times. I hooked it up to a pair of PSB Image 5T's and within 10-15 min it smelled like something was burning. I felt around the surface and everything was cold (too cold). So I let it sit until it got to room temperature and tried a again. Within 5 minutes, smelled like burning again. This may be completely unrelated, but the high's began to sound a bit muddled as well. I've started an insurance claim with FedEx and depending on the outcome, I'm planning on having it repaired if I'm able to keep it..but any thought/advice on this issue?

Showing 1 response by goheelz

Are you building a antiques-only system?  If so, maybe get the old Mac receiver an expensive repair, which will not be cost-effective IMO, but then you'll have the sentimental glow of an Olde Audio Experience. Surely the eBay (basically flea market) purchase was understood as an As-IS thing?  Let's be reasonable about this.  No way you paid a lot for this Olde boat anchor, right?  Chalk it up to experience and the inevitable risk of buying old stuff sight unseen. Sometimes eBay luck turns bad.  If you want real warranty and real buyer protection, well that costs real money, as it should. 

Or maybe spend a few more bucks and get a way more satisfactory modern product that doesn't need to be re-capped and will sound better? Many options out there, and not all of them super-expensive.

Good luck!