McIntosh MA8900 vs MC452 Soundstage Depth

Can anyone comment on performance of MA8900 compared to MC452, particularly with regard to soundatage depth? 

I used to have the latter running directly from a dCS Paganini DAC and later a C8 preamp and liked it quite a bit.  I've also had MC252 and MA352.  The MA352 wasn't a good match for my system.  No depth and overly saturated tone.  I liked the tone of the MC252 but also found it flat in terms of soundstage and dynamics.  The MC452 was a huge improvement and satisfied in almost every way. 

I've gone through a number of amps and integrateds since and am possibly looking to go back to the warm, rich, musical McIntosh autoformer SS sound with the MA8900.  I think the improvement of the 452 over the MC252 may have been due to the newer transistors McIntosh switched to around that time and the 8900 is a slightly newer vintage than the 452 so I'm hoping to get a similar sound in a smaller, lighter package.

Currently using a Luxman 509x, which is very impressive and ticks the right boxes in my brain but is a touch dry and clean for my taste so I'm finding it doesn't really tug at my heart strings.  I am a big fan of Luxman and have an M800a in my main rig that I adore, but in my bedroom I want a sound I do not feel like I need to listen intently to and just enjoy the music.  

Source is MSB Analog DAC with network renderer and speakers are Wilson Tunetots with REL T-Zero Mk III sub.

No recommendations outside of Mac, please.  


Showing 1 response by spooky73

Did you ever pull the trigger on the 8900? If so how is the soundstage depth?

I have one on order and am curious because I home demo’d an MA352 and found the depth very disappointing.