McIntosh MA7000 or MC252?

which is the best solution for B&W 801 S3?
McIntosh MA 7000 or McIntosh MC 252 with Audio Research LS5MKII?


Showing 1 response by 213cobra

MA7000. It would be even better if it had the quad-differential topology but it's quite good and has a better amp section than the 252. If you go with the separates proposed, the amp will be the limiting factor. The preamp section is quite good -- not the same as the Audio Research, but quieter and toneful. The top-end grain you hear from the non-quad-diff autoformer integrated amps comes mostly from the power amp sections. The preamp sections alone are quite clean sounding. The MA7000 power amp section has the least top end grain of the Mac autoformer amps that aren't quad-diff. So if you went with the MC252, its greater top-end grain would be imposed on the ARC's preamp sound. Better to get the least grain with the clean and quiet preamp in the MA7000. It's a magnificent integrated amp.
