McIntosh MA6900 Sensitive to Power Cords? I have

a JPS AC+ cord I will try on it after break in. It's a new unit with the stock power cord connected now. If the JPS does not work out, I have a less expensive Shunyata Diamondback to try. I'm looking to maintain great low end but yet clear up the high end a bit. To me it seems a little veiled on the high end. I am used to a cleaner top end. I know that Mc's are known for a tube type high end that is not greatly extended but I feel I can improve it with the right pc.

Has anyone tried a non-curent limiting conditioner like the Shunyata Hydra? I have a Hydra 4 that I will enventually plug the Mc into. Also how many hours to break in a new 6900?

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I have a pair of N803 working with my MA6900, both the speakers and the Amp were newly purchased last Summer. I like the sound and is very happy with this combination, I like Jazz, female vocal, and classical. The MA6900+N803 gives good details in all range and good enough bass, the high is outstanding. I am using Silver interconnect and Silver alloy Power cord to add speed and details to the system. One of my HiFi friend had a recent audition on my system, and he said my N803 still need more time to break-in, and he expect the bass will be even better when the time come. However, he agrees that this is above average sound that I can get with this budget. By the way, I am using a Marantz SACD player as source, am thinking to add a DAC for CD listening for the next upgrade, any comment?