McIntosh MA 352 or C22 Mk V?

We recently put together a dedicated two channel system consisting of McIntosh MA252, Linn LP 12 TT, B&W 804 D3 speakers, Bluesound.  Our room is 15’ x 25’, with the listening portion in the front half, pool tale in the back half.  For 60-70% of our listening the MA252 (100 WPC) is good. There are times when I want to listen at higher volumes I am running out of power - tubes go from green to white.  I have two schools of thought.  Upgrade to a MA352.  I also own an older Levinson No. 333, that is in my home theater running my front channels.  I have considered pulling this out and adding a C22 Mk V preamp for the two channel system.   My concern is that I am living on borrowed time with the amp, as I know the caps will need to be replaced anytime and then I will either need to recap or upgrade the amp.  Thoughts?



Showing 1 response by crouse99

I can only say what I would do.  1) buy the C 22 and run it with the Levinson amp.  The amp is old but it may have years of life left in it and it should have a lot more grunt than your present amp and if the Levinson goes belly up you can get it fixed or buy something else at that time. or 2) sell the MA 252 and buy one of the big solid state integrated Macs with autoformers (MA 7900, MA 8900, etc) or 3) go all in with the C 22 and a new amp with a lot of current like the MC 462.  The last two are assuming you would want to stay with McIntosh.  Boy, I enjoy spending other peoples' money.

I think the first choice is probably the best.  It fixes your current issue and allows for updates down the road.