Mcintosh - Love Em' or Hate Em' ......Why?

I have owned new and old Mcintosh and loved my experiences with the product. Right now I have a MC-162 in my system and it sounds great! Very transparent and not too anylitical or fatiguing. It seems that everyone has such strong opinions about different Mcintosh products good and bad. I have had all positive experiences. I would like for people to share their opinions and experiences good and bad.
Ag insider logo xs@2xsquiddy
Well, I've owned Mac gear since 1984. I since have a MC7150, and an MC352 power amps. I have aa C42 pre, an MR78 tuner, a MC861 DVD player, an MCD 205 CD changer hooked up to an Electrocompaniet Dac, all hooked into a Tice power conditioner. I have Mac ML2C speakers with Mac tweeter towers with 16 tweeters, modified by Roger Russel, the designer of the speakers. I have Sonus Faber Grand Painos and Sonus Faber Concertino speakers. It sounds awesome, truly awesome, and all my friends tell me so!I love their reliability, look, sound and just everything about them.
The C-22 tube preamp and the Mc 275 are the most beautiful components ever made BUT are the worst sounding components ever made. Made for "look-o-philes"
"The C-22 tube preamp and the Mc 275 are the most beautiful components ever made BUT are the worst sounding components ever made. Made for "look-o-philes."

This coming from someone using Home Depot cables. Have you actually listend to these pieces????
I have owned a dozen mint Mac C22 and Mc75. I could not stand to hear over 60 seconds of these. Pure noise, no music. The worst of the worst. These were made for photos in decorating magazines. Luckily I sold them all to overseas buyers who pay top dollar for these hissing room warmers.
I just purchased my first Mac. It is the C31V preamp. Wow what a difference, I had an adcom and the Mac is sweet. I am a Mac man now. What a treat to own.