mcintosh laserdisc player MLD 7020
Hello all, I am have just finally after many years bought a great laserdisc player that i wanted in '97 but could not afford.. the Mcintosh MLD-7020 Laserdisc player.. i know it is supposed to have awesome audio and video.. and based on a Pioneer CLD-97 (which is still considered one of the best LD players made) i was able to get this Mcintosh and it will be delivered in about a week.. I have read many times that it was not tweaked but have also heard that it was tweaked in the power supply and the DACS.. if anyone owns one .. does anyone know if Mac did anything to it.. ? Regardless.. i cannot wait to hook it up and watch my LD's on it.. I am retiring my old aging Yamaha CDV-870 LD player to the bedroom.. thanks for any info anyone has on this Mac.. !