McIntosh Labs delivery issues

Can anyone provide an update on what to expect when placing an order for Mac's MC611 mono-block amps? I read last year on this forum they were backordered and running 6 months to a year for expected delivery. 


Showing 8 responses by goofyfoot

I’m going to chime in here please forgive me but McIntosh prices seem inflated. I had friends whose parents owned their equipment from the 60’s and 70’s and while they sound sweet, nowadays there’s better deals out there.

I can recommend the ASR Emitter II Exclusive. It's built to order with available upgrades (i.e. rhodium fuses). It's technically an integrated since everything is in one acrylic glass chassis but it actually operates as separates. The Exclusive runs off two power supplies and one battery. There's no need for a preamp and it's probably within what it would cost to buy McIntosh mono blocks.

Here's a Stereophile review;

@jheppe815 I made the statement that McIntosh equipment sounds sweet. I like the McIntosh sound, especially when I would go to a Grateful Dead or Jerry Garcia Band concert. I think many of us are just offering a different view than focusing totally on McIntosh. There are so many great options in your price range. My reason for bringing up other options is because my local two Mac dealers have very high price tags on their Mac pieces. And I just believe you may find another Class A amplifier that you'll like better for the same amount of money or less.

I guess my bias could come from when someone who had all McIntosh gear needed a turntable and spent a small fortune on a Mac turntable because it matched his other equipment. I had this conversation with the dealer and we both agreed that he would have been able to get a higher end table for the same price or less by choosing a different maker.

If you ask a friend for advice, do want your friend to share his/her honest opinion or do you want them to tell you want they think you want to hear? I'm honestly sharing my opinion and an opinion is all that it is. If you decide on McIntosh Mono blocks, I don't think you can go wrong and I wish you total happiness. I will add that I believe the best McIntosh combination would be a tube pre-amplifier with solid state mono blocks.

@roxy54 fair enough. I remember certain McIntosh Class A/B amplifiers but as I stated in the beginning, my familiarity with McIntosh goes back to the 60's and 70's. Not to mention I'm beginning to get senile.


@farne230 I had an acquaintance who owned Krell and absolutely loved them.

@farne230 a friend of mine is refurbishing a pair of Levinson mono blocks. I'm still waiting to hear them with Quad 57's.

@farne230 that should sound great, having a tube preamp. I don’t think they make tuners anymore but I do believe they make a digital streamer. Anyway please give us your impressions once everything is running!