McIntosh -- good for show, not for sound, says dealer

More unvarnished truth from YouTube.
"real audiophiles...know it doesn't sound that good"

Real audiophiles -- be aware. You've been read the Riot Act. 



Showing 13 responses by jerryg123

@thecarpathian Spelling police LOL. Sure glad I do not own one cause I sure can't spell it.

@laoman No that is not what I was saying at ll. Just that with the majority being in North America hence the passion for McIntosh gear either way, and the popularity of the brand in this forum.


"I would venture to guess 80% of the members here are North Americans. "

So what? Are you suggesting that people of other nationalities do not have the right to post here?

McIntosh makes some nice gear as do the folks at,Audio Research.

Is it for everyone?

Nope that is for sure, but neither is PL or Raven or Atoll. That is why there are so many flavors.

It’s like the Ford vs Chevy, MB vs BMW, Different stroke for different folks. Some are so blinded by brand loyalty that hey only live in the world of green meters.

I have had some MAC gear and it was not for me. Will never say they make bad gear though. Classic American brand.


It also comes down to personal choice also.

My room is optimized and I have owned several modern McIntosh integrated sand sold them, just was not for me from a sound or esthetic point.

The amps were well built just not my cup of tea.

Now comparing the brand to a Lexus I can see, predictable, sterile, and stable. Like a Honda motorcycle.

But it is still a great American Iconic Brand as is HD, Chevy, Cadillac, Cat and Boeing. 

@toddalin Yes the old Macs have soul and character like an old Harley.

I am a European bike buy and prefer my Ducks, Aprilia's and the Norton Commando 750 I restored. Might be why i have a Hungarian Integrated with a German TT and Swedish phono preamp and speakers.

Oh no wait the world is flat.

No really not sure about the rest of the world and I really do not care. Just as there are many brands in Europe and Asia that Americans have never heard of, they to would be low on an Americans list a viewed as a non factor when selecting a component. 

I am sure the folks at McIntosh could answer your questions.

Me I could careless I own gear that came from Sweden, Germany, Hungary and the USA.

Good Night and I would venture to guess 80% of the members here are North Americans. 

@laoman is just an angry little man from an angry little country. He should stick to websites in the Father Land. 

I think it is clear laoman just despises Americans and our great iconic brands.

@laoman So you are that guy that keeps sending his banking information to that Nigerian Prince. All this guy is, is hot air. I have no horse in the race either and I do not hate American companies like you though.

IF I were in the US I would buy equipment from you, because you tell it like it is and are not full of bs.

Here is a good retort to this OCD Guy.

My take is that Mike cannot buy McIntosh and he is out smearing them.

He also had his AGD deal yanked also.

It is all conjecture at this point....


@stereo5 And you should, that is why you bought it.

It is an Iconic Brand and like Mr Jay says if it weren't for McIntosh most of these other brands would never exist.

People just love to hate like Laoman.