McIntosh -- good for show, not for sound, says dealer

More unvarnished truth from YouTube.
"real audiophiles...know it doesn't sound that good"

Real audiophiles -- be aware. You've been read the Riot Act. 



Showing 17 responses by femoore12

Why must people try to fell superior by trying to diminish the choices of others. 

They suffer from an inferiority complex. 

So, he's not bashing Mc owners, per se. He's pitying them for being stuck.

This is what irritates me about this hobby. This self crafted ideal that certain equipment and/or bands are superior over everything else. The "everything else" category is all trash and you're unintelligent suckers for purchasing said gear. As @mahgister likes to remind everyone, it's not only the gear that is important.

To my ears McIntosh gear is neutral. It allows me to hear just the music. That is why I am in this hobby. I am here for the music.  


My last comment here. Those of you in this forum that post this elitist BS only do it because you know it "stirs the pot" in this forum. I guess it makes you feel better about yourselves to insult and belittle the choices of others. Nice maturity level. 


Why the PM to me directly instead of just asking in front of everyone in the thread? It is elitist BS to insult others because of what they prefer. This thread isn’t about bashing McIntosh gear. It’s about bashing people that own McIntosh gear.




I assume you’d agree that there is a difference between pointing out what is being said with agreeing or endorsing what is being said. You can see from the OP that I’m not endorsing.

I do agree with you that there is a difference. After reading that you weren’t endorsing his video I apologize for stating you posted this to stir the pot. 

I think it’s best that I stay in the music topic. 


I agree with your analysis of the video. Again, I apologize for previous comments in this thread that were typed way too quickly.

I’ve actually received criticism by members of this site because I stated the design aesthetics of the equipment I purchase is actually important to me. To some people that was proof that I am not a real “audiophile”. Honestly, I never use that word to describe myself. I am in this hobby because I listen to music all the time. Listening to music actually helps me keep my personal “spectrum” issues under control. To me this idea of there being a “correct audiophile” and an “incorrect audiophile” is an ugly side of this hobby I never knew existed until coming to this forum. I know not everyone here is that way, but there is a percentage that thinks like this. This reminds me of the Dr. Seuss book “The Sneetches”. 


It's a really sound marketing strategy. Insult a demographic that can actually afford expensive audio gear and then insult them again when they question you. I wonder how the audio companies he represents would feel about that?


+1 recommending the Audio Excellence Canada videos. Those guys are fantastic.  

I can tell you McIntosh is complete garbage. I just had a c 2500 preamp and compared it to an Ayre K5xemp.  The Ayre absolutely smoked the McIntosh.  The McIntosh sounded like it belonged on the top shelf of Best Buy. 


914 posts

@vuch said

” You're a little sissy who piles on with your little group of keyboard writers to attack a guy, (Mikey).“

Pretty much sums it up vuch 😉

None of you that constantly argue about the "sound" are actually into this hobby for the music.

there's a dude on another thread who's head over heels because he's got a system that enables him to listen to his speakers and ignore the music - serious!

I am not surprised. Some people become so focused on analytical listening that they stop hearing the music. It’s only about the “sound”. 


anyone else agree with this?

absolutely! My supervisor started off with McIntosh gear when he first got started. As his tastes changed he was able to sell the gear at no loss and move up to more expensive and esoteric brands. He loves McIntosh gear, but as he told me his listening style changed and his gear long with it. 

You people are still talking about this? You need a real hobby. I think a few of you are better suited for politics considering you never seem to give any real productive advice.