McIntosh -- good for show, not for sound, says dealer

More unvarnished truth from YouTube.
"real audiophiles...know it doesn't sound that good"

Real audiophiles -- be aware. You've been read the Riot Act. 



Showing 4 responses by bwguy

McIntosh has just announced the replacement of the MA 8900 with the MA 8950. The new model has 50% greater dynamic headroom, similar to what they have done with their other newer models such as the MC462, MC611 and the MC 1.25. I would be curious how the 8950 would compare to the Luxman 590 AXii.

Could you elaborate on the Mac pieces you did not like?  What preamp are you now using?

I don’t get the McIntosh hate. I recently went from a Classe 2300 to McIntosh 611’s and I am very happy. I can’t understand why people say McIntosh sounds flat, or like someone put a wet blanket over their speakers. For me I get a warm, dynamic, sound, and almost 3D. I now hear things in music that I have never heard before. There are many great amps, and McIntosh is one of them. I really liked my Classe amp, but the 611’s have stepped it up,  a big improvement from the 601’s.