McIntosh fuse changeout to make better sound

Have anyone change out the fuse in the back of a McIntosh integrate amp to make it sound better? Does this work or is this a myth? And if it does what kind of fuse? Thx

Showing 5 responses by oldhvymec

1. Sadly this works in every component except McIntosh integrated amps.


2. It is NOT part of the music signal. NO affect upon sound quality!


3. Funny as in you make me laff.


Shirley, you jest? Answer. No, and don’t call me Shirley..
One of the great "One liners" I'm hoping # 2 was kidding too, if not, hopefully things will change. :-)

Here is the bottom line for me. I tried all three from, SR, all three changed the sound. I liked the orange and the blue in my hot rodded C20. MX110z, C11, MC240s and 1961 MC275, ALL sounded different, all sounded better, with the orange and blue fuse. My old Acmes were as good as or better than the SR black.

Don’t wipe off the goo!, handle with GREAT care.
REALLY GREAT CARE... I found tweezers are better for the install, plane and simple..

The Blue worked best in a C2500.

NO KIDDING a busman worked the same on the inside of a MX120, they have 2 or three. BUT the main, again the Blue was the better of the bunch.

All were left in for a week at least.


the intrepid listen on and enjoy the rewards of their own experimentation.

And then there are those that DO, I’m in your camp. I tried it, on my equipment with someone else’s fuses they gave to me.

3 different types, all with different results, ALL the same brand. SR

If you haven’t tried it, you got no say in the game.
If you don’t own the equipment you got no say in the game.

Show me the science, has nothing to do with what someone ELSE hears.. It’s a broken record. The same FEW keep sneaking in their, digs about "Show me the science", when the OP wants to know if it might change his system and SOUND better... NOT where is the science.  HOW does it sound.. Keep answering questions that aren't being asked..


I go back to Mr rodman99999
the intrepid listen on and enjoy the rewards of their own experimentation.


Don’t get talked out of a GOOD thing by someone who hasn’t tried it, probably can’t hear the difference, or has the equipment or environment conducive to giving the product a fair comparison.

Yea they sound different, I own and have access to a LOT of Mac gear, the fuse change is for the better, never worse 4 out 5 of the times..
Maybe, 45-50 pieces..(Between 5 guys)

I’m going to be going through a pair of MC60, and doing a case change, we’ll see if a new PC, fuse holder, and fuse, make a difference.. I bet they do... 60 + years old...STUFF, literally used lamp cord. :-) Sounded quite good..

That is a new, used and blown fuse. A slow blow like that will sound OK then worse and finally fail, over time.

It was kind of George to show the failure over a period of time, and a visual inspection will confirm when it’s time for a fuse change. The one in the middle. Not the blown one on the right side, if not close.

The SO would be affected by the middle fuse, the question is how long would a philer/customer listen to the sound getting worse and worse, before the fuse finally failed?

This is a good reason to try a different construction NOT using a fuse that fails that way.

SR fuses with the Goo, aren’t made that way, YET they will blow, keep your gear safe, and sounding better/different to many.


That may be partially true, but I suspect many of the naysayer measurementalists don’t even own systems. They’re just here to argue and disrupt and by that measure they are doing a great job.


Great example actually, of how a stock fuse fails over time. Information is information, this reference has been posted MANY times. This one..

I’m constantly amazed by the amount of single digit "fuser" posters that come on and cut loose.
BTW admin have also noticed this, and are watching.


What are you talking about George? What is a Fuser? AND who cut loose WHAT?

Does admin have the huge dark eyes, about 3-4 ft tall, Gray, no hair, no cloths? That ADMIN?

Just kiddin’, you and your fuse bashing , never stops.. Never tried it, but it never stops..

I wish you a good holiday, in any case... They have a Christmas tree down under?

You guy’s ever get the water to go down the drain the right way yet? Just wondering, I know that was an issue. Come to think of it maybe ours is backwards. I think it is.. :-)

We do agree on NO Yoko Ono, right? Fine person, bad singer right, you don't think she's (GULP) a good singer do you?
