Mcintosh C2500/Krell KAV-2250 SS compared to McIntosh MC275 Tube?

I'm curious get to thougts on if I should expect to receive significant sonic improvement between my current setup, C2500 paired with the KAV-2250 SS compared to the C2500 paired with the McIntosh MC275 tube setup.  The speakers are Totem Acounstic Forest Signatures, Audioquest William Tell Zero speaker cables and Audioquest Earth XLRs.  I listed mostly to vynal and CDs.  I'm not technical so please keep it straightforward.  Thanks in advance for the thoughts and other suggestions.  


Showing 2 responses by femoore12

The best person to ask this question on this site is @oldhvymec 

I have a C2700 and MC275. I absolutely love the combination. It’s a fantastic combination for playing vinyl. Beautiful mid-range and just enough detail/sparkle at the top end. Also, the bass is really good. It’s not overpowering bass, but it feels like what you would experience in a live setting. The MC275 is a special amp.  Upgrading the tubes (Mullards and Telefunkens work really well) will get even better details in the soundstage it produces. 

I haven’t tried my C2700 with a SS amp and my speakers. I did hear it with a MC462 at the deal and still preferred the MC275 sound. To me the sound is richer and more comfortable.