If you are using just for vinyl either one of the C2500/2600 are good. I have a C2600 and am very happy with it. I use an external DAC for digital sources but for analog the mac is pretty good. Have my Clearaudio Concept going to it and couldn't be happier.
Mcintosh C2500/C2600, Audio Research Reference 3 and Luxman CL-38uV
I'm looking to get into the tube preamp game and current budget allows for Mcintosh C2500/2600, Audio Research Reference 3 or Luxman CL-38uC. I've only heard the C2500 would be interested in hearing others thoughts.
Running Krells amps to the preamp and Totem Forest Signature Speakers for primarily vinyl listening. Thanks folks!
Running Krells amps to the preamp and Totem Forest Signature Speakers for primarily vinyl listening. Thanks folks!