Mcintosh C2500/C2600, Audio Research Reference 3 and Luxman CL-38uV

I'm looking to get into the tube preamp game and current budget allows for Mcintosh C2500/2600, Audio Research Reference 3 or Luxman CL-38uC.  I've only heard the C2500 would be interested in hearing others thoughts.  

Running Krells amps to the preamp and Totem Forest Signature Speakers for primarily vinyl listening. Thanks folks!

Showing 1 response by mrklas

I own McIntosh C2600. It was a major upgrade for me.  I bought a demo model from my local dealer. 
I noticed an immediate impact using a NAD C375BEE as my amp and Sonus faber Venere 3.0 speakers.  The NAD is an integrated amp - the DAC and phono stage we’re a significant upgrade. 
My only warning is it gave me the desire to upgrade my amp, turntable and speakers over the last year.