McIntosh C22 (old & new) vs C2600

I'm trying to decide between buying an old school C20/C22 preamp versus a modern C22 or C2600. I've never owned McIntosh before, but just bought a mint condition MC225 power amp and I'm looking for a nice preamp to use with it. I've heard it's best to stick with point to point wiring (though I don't know why sonically) it just seems like perhaps the best signal path? I think the new models incorporate printed circuit boards so I'm not sure what that does (if anything) to the sound produced. Can anyone who's actually owned or owns these models give me some advice on why I should choose one or the other and what the benefits might be to use an older model versus updated technology. My primary use will be vinyl and CD. Or maybe offer up other preamps as well, though 6k price range is about the limit. 


Showing 2 responses by vonhelmholtz


Seems to be your first post..welcome?

Will you be using the DAC in the C2600 and will you be using an external phono stage?