Mcintosh C15 - Your Impressions and Matching Power Amp

Dear All


I would very much appreciate your advise. I have been looking for C15 reviews but I could not find much on the net, so hope to get your opinions here.

I have been offered an irresistible deal for a Mcintosh vintage C15 preamp in very good condition and recently serviced. I understand the amp has smooth delivery, a good grip on bass and pretty detailed with the usual Mcintosh house holographic or tube like sound from the few reviews I have read that were available. I intend to replace my current Schiit Freya preamp with the C15.

Being new to Mcintosh, I hope those who know about this C15 amp or own it could give your impressions of its sound quality which would be helpful. Always wanted to own one hearing so much about various models of Mcintosh amps.

I am also looking at a matching power amp and would appreciate suggestions. Currently I own a class D - XTZ A2 300, 150 watt per channel power amp. Would this be a good match with the C15? Or should I be looking at something else. My speakers are Klipsch RP 6000f which are not really bright as most might think. More clean sounding.

I welcome your thoughts.


Showing 8 responses by ram18


Appreciate your wisdom. You hit the right notes. Yes always wanted to explore what a Mac was like, and I have an opportunity to do so now. Though C15 is quite vintage, I guess they still have the reknown Mac house sound.  Somthing that has piqued my curiousity for years.  After all, it is an established top tier brand, so I hope it will last too. Your back story certainly makes a fascinating read. Tks for sharing.


Thanks for sharing. Well on the bright side, at least the value of used MCs still hold.


And I must add the C15 looks great too. A simple pre without the bells and whistles just basic loudness, treble and bass control which are more than sufficient to me.  Design wise, it looks sleek and appealing.


Haha. Thanks for your forthright  views and suggested price range.  I have some room to negotiate I guess.

@sid42 Thanks for the feedback.  Glad that the C15 served you well. I have done as much research as I could, on balance, the MC C15 has received good reviews despite its simple form factor. This also echoes the views of experienced members here and in relevant forums. Appreciate also the tips given by members such as comments shared by @oddiofyl which are very useful. 


I will be pulling the trigger on the C15. Am now looking at the 100 watt per channel  MC 7100 vintage power amp to match.  Its kinda of a similar make to C15 as in no bells and whistles (no autoformers) and also relatively  low on cost.

My current amp is a Class D 150 watt channel power amp, an XTZ A2 300 which has served me well too. Its  rather detailed, clean and  has bass punch in terms of  delivery, though it  can have a tinge of sharpness at upper range frequencies at times. Nothing too distracting.  On the whole it is good (!/EDGE-A2-300/p/405983841).

Though 50 watts lesser, I am wondering if the 7100 can be smoother and richer yet retaining details and bass slam,  particularly enhancing the very  involving Mcintosh sound  when paired with the C15 as compared to my XTZ amp.  Or should I just stick to my  Class D XTZ as the power amp to mate the C15. My speakers are Klipsch RP 6000f which are highly sensitive, about 96db.

Appreciate your thoughts.



Thanks for sharing. That's good to hear.



Just curious to know sid. I gather you had the C15 for sometime. Any servicing needs you had to undergo with the amp.  Did it give you any hassles  in this aspect? Just preparing myself for the servicing needs down the road  since the amp has been around for sometime.  Also can I stack a power amp say MC 7100 if I do get it on top of the C15? Any heat issues? I saw some models where Mac amps are stacked on top of each other.


Looks like this pre is able to last well. And glad for you it did. Yes MCs do have a good resale value. The one I am purchasing (C15) already has recently installed led lights. So that part is taken care of. However, I don't reside in the US so selling it to you if I do decide to sell in future, is gonna be a tad bit difficult 😀

Seems like the C15 is a good buy. Now as you know  am considering the 7100 amp to match . Only thing is my class D power amp that I have is also pretty good. Never had an AB power amp before.  So I guess I would need to take a plunge and try to see which  serves better, 7100 or my current amp,  with a  dent in the wallet  🙄