McIntosh C-26 Restoration

I am the original owner of this preamp and use it in a secondary system.  

I know this is a longshot, but does anyone know of a tech in Northern California that can do a full restoration?  I'd rather not ship it.


Showing 2 responses by oldhvymec

Authorized Mac? Citrus Heights maybe. 6 month wait, though. Only reason I haven't dropped off a few pieces. They don't like boxes either.. No shipping boxes, weird, authorized repair station.. I scratched my head on that one..

LOL lots of luck, ay..
Yea, what do they say? My last check was 6 months just to look.. No boxes though.. Like if I scratch your Mac too bad.. Scratch it , they buy it. pretty simple for me.. The other guy that was real good, retired, 4 years ago.. Not far from you.. Other than that I don't know.. Daily City? or back east somewhere.. I've never had a shipping issue, 100s of pieces of expensive equipment.. To Germany. I never had a problem.. Packing equipment is an ART..      I know.. :-)
