McIntosh C-2200 Burn in time?

Just hooked up my new preamp. Have never owned a tube preamp. How long does it take for the Mac to start sounding it's best? Right now sounds a bit brite and the mids are thin and foward.

Also, has anyone noticed their Mac C-2200 picking up noise in the system? Have a lot coming through the speakers. Have a Mac MC-207 amp and Hyperion HPS-938 speakers. I know there is a bunch of Mac guys out there hoping I'm not the first one to have this problem!


Showing 3 responses by hawkeye43

Hey guys,Odd problem, have a lot of noise now in my system.  With my preamp on, it's audible from 8 to 10 feet from my speakers. When I turn off the preamp it get twice as loud!  When I change innerconncets from single ended to balanced the noise is reduced but it is still there.  Sounds different though.  Like a hard rain on a tent roof, coming from the speakers. More from the mid than the tweeter but both have it.  With single ended its louder and higher pitched.  Didn't have it before I put in the preamp.  Any thoughts????Thanks!
I have a pair of PS audio outlets in the back on there own 20 amp circuit. The preamp is plugged into the Monster Power preamp outlet. Its powercord is a Nordost Shiva. My McIntosh amp has a slight audible buzz if you get right on top of it. (sounds like a transformer buzz to me). Wondering if it is throwing some noise out and the preamp is picking it up. Used the headphones jack and heard no noise through it. Not sure what that means though.
