Mcintosh Amps w/ B&W 801'S

I WOULD LIKE TO HEAR FROM THOSE WHO HAVE HEARD MAC AMPS W/801'S. I want to purchase the n801's. i need big power 600 watts plus per side. i may even vertical bi-amp. i have been learning about mac stuff recently. i currently have balanced audio cd, ss pre, and monos. please let me know your experiences. thanks
Mac + B&W = HEAVEN

Using a vintage 200w/ch. Mcintosh MC2205 with my B&W Matrix 802s3. Wow never thought it could be so good. Beat 90% of the sound at AXPONA audio show.
Being a Mac amp owner (although its in the crate at present) and having heard the 800 series too many times IMO that combo is the wrong way to go.I would go with faster amps.Mac is just too slow and colored(famous mac house sound)and with the speakers you have adding more of what you already have is a bad option.Krell/Levinson/Pass come to mind and the list is really endless,but Mcintosh never.Speed ,resolution,bass control is what I would think your looking for to help the 800s
Well said. For 801 speakers (doesnt matter what series) krell is the way to go. Been listening my 801D today with evo 600e and was like a hurricane in my room when cranking loud, and surprisely never sounding bright or harsh! Incredible how amazing Priest, Motorhead and Metallica sound there!