McInrosh vs Auralic etc

My system:
Mac Mini (Roon).    -     Classe SSP-800   -    Classe CA-2300.  -    Revel Studio 2. - 2 Rel Carbon Limited subs.
My Classe SSP-800 has failed for the second time.  Classe has offered me an ‘at cost’ repair at $1000 with a 3 month warranty.   I have decided NOT to repair this unit again. I do use the SSP to switch video and process 3.2
channel audio (Halo  A 51 bridged into nice center channel speaker,) but my interests are primarily 2.2 channel audio.   So, I am considering either the McIntosh new C53 solid state preamp or new C2700 tube preamp.  Both come with their new DA-2 upgradable  DAC.  List is 8,000.  My other consideration is the Auralic VEGA G2 Dac / streamer, wich I could use with or without a separate preamp. The Mac has many extra features and inputs, and decodes multi channel into 2 speakers, but does not stream.  Also I can add processor and use Mac’s HT bypass.  This would be nice.  Negative is the ‘all in one box thing’ like my Classe which has crapped out and is obsolete.  I hear the Auralic is awesome, and streams as well, accepting network input and Roon endpoint.  You see how I am torturing myself over this.  High end Mac dealer says the new Mac’s will easily outperform my old Classe.  Auralic dealer says that Dac will easily outperform the Mac.  Thoughts and suggestions please ?  And, do I need a separate preamp with the Auralic Vega 2 for stereo audio only (will it sound better) ?  Thanks for reading my long winded question!  Ken.

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