McCormack Preamp???


I am "new" to higher end audio. I just purchased a used McCormack DNA 1 Rev A to be used with Maggie 1.6 speakers.
As I am starting from scratch, I do not have a CD player yet.

I do not see many comments on about the McCormack RLD-1 preamp. This was on my short list. Is this a good value or am I making a mistake?

Another thought I had was to get a Placette Passive Pre-amp... if I did not like the sound or wanted more impact, I could get another amp and use the Placette as a remote volume control.

Any comments on the RLD-1 or others? My budget would be around $1500.



Showing 1 response by donjf

I have a TLC-1 deluxe and a RLD-1 used with a DNA-2 amp.The TLC-1 will give great tranparency and good dynamics if used with a good dac or cd player (I use the Camelot Tech. Uther dac & Morganna 24/96 player with great results).The RLD-1 would be great match if you want a remote, it has great dynamics and overall sound quality for the money.If interested in what other components are in my system and the different power cords,interconnects I've used with the McCormack units you can email me.I think you will be very pleased with the DNA-1 rev.A it is a excellent amp. Happy listening & good luck. Don