McCormack Preamp???


I am "new" to higher end audio. I just purchased a used McCormack DNA 1 Rev A to be used with Maggie 1.6 speakers.
As I am starting from scratch, I do not have a CD player yet.

I do not see many comments on about the McCormack RLD-1 preamp. This was on my short list. Is this a good value or am I making a mistake?

Another thought I had was to get a Placette Passive Pre-amp... if I did not like the sound or wanted more impact, I could get another amp and use the Placette as a remote volume control.

Any comments on the RLD-1 or others? My budget would be around $1500.



Showing 1 response by battousai

Unless a remote is a must for you, McCormack TLC-1 is another excellent passive you can consider. It should match with your DNA with no problem. You can get a used one cheap in the market. Very satisfied with its performance, I've been using one for several years.

Hope this helps.