The choices you've made may have been dictated by budget, but unlike so many I see on this site, they're quite smart. Your speakers do several things very well and, particularly in the bass region, outperform those at ten times the price. Moreover, SMC is a very good designer so it's not surprising the sound you're getting is more than satisfactory. You've outsmarted rather than outspent. Well done!
McCormack DNA 1 & Hales Revelation 3...Good Match?
I have a pair of Hales Revelation 3 loudspeakers, and am considering a McCormack DNA 1 to power these speakers in conjunction with my Audio Research LS1 preamp. I have three questions:
Has anyone here used the DNA 1 with Hales Rev 3s?
If so, did you consider them a "good match" for one another?
Lastly, do you think the ARC LS1 fits into the mix, or should I go with a passive preamp as others on this forum have suggested?
Now using Discovery Essence ics, Analysis Plus Oval 9 speaker cable, and LAT AC2MkII power cables. Room is 24'x18'x9'. Any input/suggestions/questions would be appreciated. I'm searching for really good sound on a workingman's budget, thanks!
Has anyone here used the DNA 1 with Hales Rev 3s?
If so, did you consider them a "good match" for one another?
Lastly, do you think the ARC LS1 fits into the mix, or should I go with a passive preamp as others on this forum have suggested?
Now using Discovery Essence ics, Analysis Plus Oval 9 speaker cable, and LAT AC2MkII power cables. Room is 24'x18'x9'. Any input/suggestions/questions would be appreciated. I'm searching for really good sound on a workingman's budget, thanks!