MC Transformer or phono stage - help anyone?

I am seeking the sage advice of all the vinyl experts. I have a Benz ruby 2 on an Audiomeca romance arm and turntable. I run it through the moving coil section of my Musical Fidelity Nuvista M3 integrated. The cartridge is medium output (.4 mV) and while I am happy with the sound I suspect the phono stage is the weak link of my system. I notice the bass to be a bit weak particulary lower notes. Does anyone have comments on what sort of improvement adding in either a good moving coil phono stage or transformer would have (little or large). If so which would you recommend (stage or transformer and brand)? I have tried to read up on this but still end up quite uncertain. My price range is uncertain - I would say what would I have to spend to see a reasonable difference. I would hope somewhere between 1-2,000 but less would not be bad. Options I wondered about were the Benz stage or the 47 labs phono cube. The rest of my system by the way is listed. The room is a large one (18 X 40 with cathedral ceilings and I listen to mostly classical and jazz, but some rock as well. Thanks in advance for taking the time to read this and any help would be greatly appreciated.

Less likely Ruby 2 gives .4mV rather giving .3mV so the gain is also an issue here.
If you add a small bit to your budget you should get Pass Aleph Ono and forget about built-ins no matter how descent they R.
I have been researching this lately myself and have found that there are two camps with decidely different points of view (so what else is new in high end?).

One side says that no matter how well designed and built a MC stage is, without a transformer to step up the signal it cannot handle the extremely small level of an MC cartridge without adding noise and distortion to the signal. Audio Note prefers this approach. However, their ultimate solution is a transformer in excess of $10,000.

The other side says that the inherent nonlinearities in any transformer are worse than the distortions introduced by a high gain MC stage.

At this stage of the game I suspect that good results can be had with either approach. I have used an Aesthetix IO with my .35 mV cartrige and have been very happy but this is a > $5,000 solution. I also used the Pass Ono and it too was very good.

I have now been forced to downsize from the IO and the only solution I could come up with was to go the transformer into a MM phono stage route. I am awaiting the arrival of this equipment so it is all conjecture at this point, but I think at your price level this is a better approach. There are many good preamps with phono stage for around $1000 used and transformers are not that much. There is an Ortofon T3000 on eBay now for $600 shipped.
You will never know about certain things until you try them in your system. For 199.00 K+K Audio has a transformer step up kit which you can set up 5,10,or 20 times. Even with a grado sonata with 1.5 mv output and about 48db gain phono pre, in my system, the sound was very undyanmic and had little bass. I stepped it up 5 times to 7.5 and it was a whole new ball game. It was more dyanmic and full bodied than my grado reference/reference with 4.5 output and no step up. In theory 1.5 mv and 48db should be fine but it sure liked 7.5mv alot better. In the worst case you would be out 199.00 in your present system, but you would always have a step up device in the future, for various cartridges and or pre amp changes.

Enjoy Tom
I just installed an old "The Head" stepup (precursor to the EAR MC-3) between my 0.6 mV Koetsu Red Standard and CAT Ultimate pre. Just a fantastic improvement with more dynamic and tuneful bass among many other things. This brought back what went missing from my analogue when I swapped out a Rowland Coherence One for the CAT last year.

If you have a lowish output MC and an all-tube phono stage (with a few exceptions) a stepup or head amp would likely be the way to go. This will likely "open up" the sound considerably, reduce any tube noise that the phono stage may generate, and allow you to keep the gain knob at roughly the same position for line and phono sources thereby avoiding nasty surprises when switching between sources.

I have no first-hand experience with the NuVista M3; I think it has a tube preamp section. Also, depending on how it is measured, I think the Ruby 2 cartridge output is closer to 0.3 mV. I suspect a stepup WILL give you what you are looking for. Go for something basic first and just remember to plug it into your MM (not MC) phono input.
By the way, optimal impedance loading for the cartridge at the stepup is usually different from that at the preamp. You will have to research what this is for your Benz and shop for your stepup accordingly. The stepup likes to see 47K at the phono stage (ie MM).