MC Step-ups made from Vintage Input Transformers

Category: Analog

Hello all,
I am looking for input regarding the use and application of these rare and expensive vintage input transformers used as MC Step-ups like the Altec 4722, Peerless K241D or 4665, UTC HA-100, Triad HS-1 or the Holy Grail of them all, the Western Electric 618B and of coarse there are others.

What are you fellows using out there and what do you feel are they advantages over modern step-ups? Do they impart their own flavor or is it all just more Audio foolery?

thanks in advance for your comments,
Diamond Jim

Showing 1 response by maxpalat

Hello Warren,

no chance to find a single UTC HA 100 Nos transformer or places looking for it in your country?In Italy is quite difficult to find them.Many thanks.

Best regards