MC Phono preamp gains

If an MC phono preamp supports 45dB to 70dB, then would it work just like MM phono preamp if its gain is set at 45dB?
If that's the case, those phono preamps which support both MM and MC can essentially work as two MM inputs, right?

I am looking for a phono preamp that supports two MM inputs. I already have an SUT for my MC cartridges, so an MC input is not needed, but there exits very few phono preamps which support two MM inputs. So, I wonder if I can use those phono preamps that support both MM and MC as two MM input phono by setting the MC gain to the lowest (45dB).

Showing 5 responses by ihcho

Thanks for your response. I will check for the impedance.
As for Aesthetix Rhea, all three inputs can be either MM or MC? Then, it would be an ideal phono preamp for me, except it is out of my budget at the moment.
Here's the Rhea's spec:
Gain settings (dB): 75, 68, 62, 56, 50, 44, 38, Off. Loading settings (ohms): 47k, 10k, 5k, 2.5k, 1k, 500, 250, 125, 75

So, virtually any combination is possible for all three inputs? Like, having all three as MMs, all three as MCs with different gains and loads, and mix of MMs and MCs?
Well, which would be better. One phono preamp with three inputs or three separate phono preamps, if the price is the same.
If you go for three preamps, would you go for the same model for all three or different ones?
How about additional cables? How about space?
If Rhea costs $4000, would a phono preamp at 1/3 of Rhea be as good as Rhea?
Well, for me, it seems to be more complicated and less attractive if I go for three phono preamps. If I have three different phono preamps, I may end up using only one that I would like most, and then I need to change cables each time I try different turntables.
There are two used Rheas for sale now ($2400 and $2900), and they are out of my reach, but I will seriously consider it for my next phono preamp.

Many thanks for all replies.
I ended up having two turntables. One turntable has two arms. I use one arm for mono, and the the two for stereos. Some of my LPs are not in pristine condition, but I still listen to them. So I use more expensive cartridges (Ortofon SPUs) for mint LPs and use less expensive cartridges (Denon, Audio Technica, ...) for non-mint LPs.
I currently have two phono stages for three arms, so I need to change cables from time to time.
I am thinking of selling them and buying one that has two/three inputs. Or, I can keep the other two and buy a decent phono that supports one input.
I didn't know about Rhea, and it appears to work well with my setup. The only problem is, I don't have enough budge for it, and I need to sell the other two afford it.