MC phono cartridge lifespan (when not using)

I have bought a new Benz Wood SL and a few weeks after I have received a new Benz Glider as a gift. I have the Benz Wood mounted on my Ittok and really like the sound....I’d like to know if it is wise the keep a Glider as a spare/replacement when the Wood is worn out....That could be in 5 years or my question is really....will the Glider sound as it should in 5-10 years or will some parts deteriorate even when not using.... Suspension parts or oxidize coils or any other parts....Or should I simply sell it and buy something else when needed.....I know the Wood sound a bit better but I could live with the Glider as I had one before and loved it....

Showing 1 response by larryi

The concern with shelf life has to do with the "rubber" suspension parts.  Some of these can change in characteristics with age.  That tendency increases with the level of pollutants, particularly ozone.  If I planned to keep a cartridge for a while, I would consider sealing it in an air-tight container.

That said, I know of a lot of people using 20-30 year old cartridges that are perfectly fine.  Koetsu, as a brand, comes to mind.  Another brand, Allaerte specifically touts, as a feature of their cartridges, the use of suspension elastomers that are well more than a hundred years old so that their characteristics are now quite stable.  I don't know about Benz specifically, but then again, I have not heard anything about their cartridges going prematurely bad, so I bet they can be held for quite some time.