MC Cartridges Under $1,000

Looking for recommendations for a moving coil cartridge under $1,000 (though in all honesty I'd rather be around $5-600). I have an VPI Scout Jr. turntable with the JMW-9 tonearm into an IFI iPhone Micro phono amp into a Simaudio Moon 600i amp and Kharma Ceramic Reference 3.2 speakers. I listen to pretty much everything except country and speed metal. Thoughts about retipped carts would be appreciated as well: worth it or to be avoided.

Thank you in advance for your input which will help improve my output.
Another vote for the 103 :-)

Then I bought a DL 103 modified by Soundsmith
- it's AWESOME!!!
- better image
- more detailed highs
- tighter bass
- nicer control of sibilance

As long as it's compatible with your arm.

But I still keep the old Denon 103 around as a backup.

I might get that re-tipped someday :-)

Audio Technica OC9 Mk3. I prefer it to 103 and 103r especially on TTs like VPI which doesnt have a high mass tonearm. OC9 is a lot more refined and transparent than 103