MC Cartridge Suggestions?

Hello out there:

I'm shopping for a MC cartridge to mount on a Rega P 25 with a RB 600 arm. I listen to Blues, Jazz, Classical, and Vintage Rock & Roll (in about that order). The rest of the system is a Rega MC phono stage, LFD Mistral SE integrated amp, Analysis Plus Oval 9 Cables, and Talon Audio Khites.

A friend with classical and acoustical tastes suggested Koetsu Black, Goldring Elite, or Dynavector 17DII.

Any other suggestions will be greatly appreciated.


Showing 1 response by egoss

Hi Dave-
I can highly recommend the Dynavector, if the Rega phono stage can handle its low output. The 17D2 is extremely dynamic, rhythmic, detailed, and non-fatiguing. I think the Goldring sounds quite a bit "muddy" and non-dynamic compared to the Dynavector, especially in the low end. Wait 'till you hear a slap bass with the 17D2. You'll love it! I haven't heard the Koetsu, but I'd like to someday. A lot of AudiogoN members seem to really like them. Maybe next time. :-)

Good Luck,