MC Cartridge break-in?

Is there a break-in period for Koetsu cartridges? I am using a new Koetsu which sounds somewhat harsh and throws a narrow soundstage...should this cartridge smooth out and open up over a period of time?

Showing 1 response by extremephono

I have 3 or 4 Koetsu, and currently breaking in my Urushi newly retipped.

My experience it takes about 60 hours (about 80 LP sides) to get the sound almost right. Almost 200 hours to really break in the Koetsu fully.

Make sure loading is 100 ohm. 47Kohm will be quite bright. Tracking for most Koetsu between 1.8 to 2.0 VTF. VTA is almost level, with slight dip to the rear of the arm tube.