MC Cart. - Frequency of De-Magnitization/Best Way?

I'm enjoying my first-ever MC cartridge - an Ortofon Jubilee. My question is: how often to degause (sp?); how do you know when? And - - what's the best way?

Also, any words of "caution"? Many thanks!

Showing 1 response by rshak

Thanks for the info, Jfrech and Twl. A further question on the Cardas LP Jfrech mentioned and which I've seen advertised: how does this LP "work" as far as de-magnetization is concerned? I can understand how it cleans the stylus, but not how it - or any vinyl LP - can de-magnitize.

For the time being, I think I'll take Twl's advice, remembering first, "to do no harm." Thanks again!
