MBL 101E vs SF Stradivari vs Dynaudio Temptation?

Which would you guys recommend for a room around 5m x 12m for vocals and classical music? I was blown away by the 101e's, but I know they require a lot more power (and in turn, $$$) because of the inefficiency... So I am now considering Stradivari and Evidence Temptation as well...

Thank you very much in advance! =)

Showing 1 response by ttowntony

As mentioned, all are quite different from one another in presentation and sound. Amplification is key and no wimpy amps are allowed!

Everyone knows I'm somewhat biased as a Dynaudio dealer, but the Evidence series to me is the best speaker class out there. They sound absolutely wonderful with ALL types of music This speaker can easily adapt to any genre.

Personal amp choices with the Temptations are: Krell Evo, Bryston 14BSST, Parasound Halo JC1 Monoblocks (tight budget consideration), Simaudio Moon W8. Personal favorite is a tie between the Krell Evo and Bryston. Not too exotic in my amp choice, but I don't think you have to with the Temptations.