You can choose whichever and don't worry about the sensitivity: none of those spkrs is a champion of sensitivity and they are all quite big -- i.e. they require larger rather than smaller amps. The MBL might need 2x the power of the others which, at current amplification prices, is not an issue IMO.
BTW, those are three quite different designs and the sonic presentations differ accordingly. Your room is big enough for any of those spkrs (I've said this before). So, the choice is down to whatever tickles your fancy. The Strads tickle mine, but I think the MBL are more complete as a spkr. Plus they're omni which is fun.
Again, the MBL do require stronger amps -- but let's not go overboard with that; i.e. it's not the end of the world. The room is more important. You can buy D amps or those mass-produced behemoths for relatively cheap (think Clayton, CAV, etc)
But really, Click, at the price you're paying invite the dealers over to your home & listen.
At the end of the day, you might even consider active speakers instead. No worry about the amplification the sensitivity etc, etc, the amps are delivered with the spkrs...
BTW, those are three quite different designs and the sonic presentations differ accordingly. Your room is big enough for any of those spkrs (I've said this before). So, the choice is down to whatever tickles your fancy. The Strads tickle mine, but I think the MBL are more complete as a spkr. Plus they're omni which is fun.
Again, the MBL do require stronger amps -- but let's not go overboard with that; i.e. it's not the end of the world. The room is more important. You can buy D amps or those mass-produced behemoths for relatively cheap (think Clayton, CAV, etc)
But really, Click, at the price you're paying invite the dealers over to your home & listen.
At the end of the day, you might even consider active speakers instead. No worry about the amplification the sensitivity etc, etc, the amps are delivered with the spkrs...