May I add a subwoofer to stereo system?

Did anyone set up one or two subs to a stereo system? How it sounded? I am looking to add one or two subs to my strereo system but don't know there is any improvement. Please help.
My stereo system consist:
Speaker: Mezzo Utopia
Amps: Audio Research VT-150SE Mono
Preamp: Conrad Johnson 16LS
CD: will buy MF Tri-Vista SACD
Speaker cable: Kimber select 3038
Interconnects: Nordost Quattro Fils.
Thanks so lot in advance.

Showing 1 response by thsalmon

You certainly may, and please be my guest to do so;) Your Mezzo Utopias already go pretty low, so you will need to be sure not to go too far with the subwoofers. I've had excellent results with the REL Storm subwoofers in music systems. The Linn Sizmik is also good with music. For best results, place the sub(s) between the speakers. Do not put them in the corners where surround sound subs are placed, or soundstaging/imaging will be compromised. By the way, I received my Tri-Vista about three weeks ago, and it is an incredible player. Absolutely upgrade to it!