May Day May Day

Tell the Truth Which Was Your First Record Player

We all gotta start somewhere. Did you inherit some old console TV/Hi-FI or maybe a Singer portable swinger. When your sister went to college did she leave behind a Box Top Record Changer ?

The question is what record player was the first one you actually began playing records on. Which way did you discover the tactile joy of spinning those 45's and LP's

And just for fun if you can remember what was the first record you bought with your OWN money. The one you choose above a Banana Split at Woolworth's for 49 cents.

45, LP or 78 the only criteria is that it be with your own money not something your parents got you.

Here is Mine.

First Record Player

Emenee Barbie and Ken

First Record

Joey Dee and the Starlighters-Peppermint Twist-Roulette 45 rpm

First LP

Meet the Beatles- Capital Records

Happy May Day

Best Regards

Groovey Records

Listening to-
Louis Armsrtong-Rockin Chair-Basin Street Blues-St.James infirary-When It's Sleepy Time Down South - RCA Victor Gold Standard Series EPA-5000

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