Maverick Audio TubeMagic D2 DAC

After weeks of research, I scooped one of these up because the price seems unbeatable for the hardware/specs provided. $274 delivered from the Chinese mfr ($249 ex works).
Analog Devices 1955 chip; Burr-Brown OPA2604 op-amps; tube pre-out stage includes JAN GE 5670/2C51 tube "upgrade".
Also solid state pre-out.
Optical, Coax (RCA & F-type), and USB (asynchronous, using the Tenor 7022L chip) inputs.
24/96 capability (unfortunately does not go up to 192).
Audiophile S/N ratios for both outs.
After only 15-20 hours listening and break-in, I am thrilled. The tube out is fantastic; so rich, so full, yet so clean and dynamic. No tube fog or any sort of masking, just pure enhancement. Can't really comment on solid state out because I'm so smitten with the tube stage. Very dimensional and natural.
This thang has made a BIG improvement in my enjoyment of CDs (using an old Phillips CD/DVD player as transport) and the tube out is a step or five up from the Squeezebox Touch DAC that is also part of my setup.
VERY pleased and looking forward to even sweeter sounds as the TubeMagic breaks completely in.
More to follow...
I have Maverick's first DAC - the D1. It looks like they addressed a couple of things in the re-design. I had mine modified by Joseph Chow of Audio Horizons (approx $300). He put in new caps, couplers, and upgraded wiring to reduce the noise. This stock D2 arrives with some very impressive S/N numbers. I also upgraded my OpAmps, which they addressed in the D2.

Some folks totally reject the idea of "giant killers", but for less than $700 total outlay, this D1 is my reference. I can listen for extended periods without feeling the need to crank up the turntable. CDP's I've owned: TRL modded Sony, ASI_Tek Oppo, Sony XA5400ES, and now using Modwright Oppo BDP-83 as transport for the D1. It was easy enough to A/B the MW BDP-83 and compare CDP versus transport. Have not looked back. Also previously owned (and sold) MHDT Paradisea (very close to D1) and the Havana - which was directly compared to this modified D1. What's the point, since the OP talked about the D2? For not a lot of money, one can get some great sound from some of these small Chinese outfits ... especially when you go direct. Just my 2 cents.
Great post, Strate. Thanks for chiming in, and I'm glad you like your modded D1.
The D2 continues to impress me. Just a rock-solid, high performing unit, and sooo inexpensive.
Has anyone had the opportunity to compare directly a Mav D2 with a Grant Fidelity DAC-11?