Material Specifications/Layout for AC line

Calling Sean, Lak and other informed Audiogoners!! I know that there are all kinds of discussions both current and in the archives regarding dedicated audio ac circuits, but I'd really appreciate some definitive suggestions regarding layout and materials. I know a retired union electrician so I know that I'm in good hands installation-wise. I'd really like some direction regarding layout and material specifications for my system, modest as it may be. Blue Circle 21.1 linestage preamp/Cary 308T cd player/Marantz SA 8260 sacd player/Odyssey Audio Stratos Extreme amp and Magnepan 1.6 QR speakers. I've got some good power cords already (VH Audio Flavor 4, Hot Box and Blue Circle BC 61's).

Thanks in advance.

BTW, I've posted the same question over at AA.

Showing 1 response by psychicanimal

Deano recommends using THHN spec'ed for underground burial, since the insulation is bound more tightly. I would follow with receptacles boxes fitted w/ the Auricap capacitors Chris VenHaus sells for parallel filtration and cryo'ed PS Audio Power Ports and/or Albert's infamous Porter Ports.