mate for Spectral amp that is not Spectral

Hello all,
I have a Spectral dma 180 series 2 and need to match a used preamp to it. I am looking in the $4-600 range. That is why A Spectral pre is unattainable.

I would love to hear your thoughts. I would love a phono section as I have a Revox tt but it is not a deal breaker. Driving Maggies and I have MIT cabling.

thanks for your help,

Showing 1 response by carey1110

The Spectral 180 is particularly finicky about having its own preamp. They are very sensitive to RF and if you don’t have the right interconnect and preamp the amp can oscillate and over heat. The 180 runs hot anyway.  Once that amp breaks the company wont work on it anyway due to age. Spectrals repairs  have be limited to their newer stuff due to part’s availability, unless you can find a dealer that will work on them.