Matching components?

I’ve read a couple of posts on this site alluding to the notion that one can be best assured of positive results by matching components produced by the same manufacturer when assembling a stereo system. Is this really a thing? Should I worry that a Decware phono stage won’t play nice with my ARC linestage? Or that I would have been better served by finding an ARC DAC in lieu of the Black Ice FX DSD I recently acquired?

Just looking for a little guidance, as my budget is such that I really can’t be screwing this up...


Showing 1 response by arcticdeth

  Went with matching preamp for my amp(s) under recommendation from the amplifier manufacturer and designer of the amp(s),...and I happened across a NM cond. one used for a fairly good price.   Nothing too fancy, amps, preamp, descent cables, speakers (I) love
  2 very good Sources. (Cd players)

if it sounds great to you , who cares what others think, play music and have a dram and some trail mix. 

  Used other preamps, tiny minuscule audio differences between preamps, but the matching one sounds amazing!