Matching cartridge to phono pre amp. pF!?

I’ve just discovered what pF is. Well, I don’t know what it is but I was told it was important. I have the 2m Bronze and Technics 1210GR. I wanted to upgrade  from the built in phono stage in my pre amp to a separate phono amp. I was looking at the Lehmann line. The Black Cube Se II looked good until I read the specs. Only 100pF. The 2m Bronze MM specs says it prefers 150-300pF. How important is pF and what happens if it’s a bad match. What makes a bad match? Too low? Too high? I’m not sure where to from here or what to look for.

Showing 1 response by chakster

Only 100pF. The 2m Bronze MM specs says it prefers 150-300pF.

You can increase pF it with phono cable length. Look at the phono cable specs.