Mastersound amplifiers

Hi All,

A buddy of mine is interested in a Mastersound amplfier to use with his DeVore speakers.  He likes the EL34 sound.

I had to admit I know nothing about Mastersound.

Has anyone any experience with them?


we have sold them before exceptional amplifiers


please contact us for more information


Dave and Troy

Audio Intellect NJ

Mastersound Dealers

Not sure which Devore model your friend has. I have Luxman 509x driving a pair of Devore Super Nine. I also have a Mastersounds Dueventi Integrated (EL34 based) in my second system. I would from time to time run the Dueventi with the Super Nine. I almost always prefer it in the triode mode as the sound is more refined. It is a solid amplifier particularly after replacing the stock tubes with some NOS RTF EL34 and RCA Clear Top 12au7, and of course, this is personal preferences. I don't have much experiences with other EL34 based amplifiers but I can say that they do sound very good as a combination. It does not have as wide and deep of a sound stage of the Luxman, however, it is still very enjoyable.

The Mastersounds amplifiers are real lookers with the round transformer enclosures and tube protectors. It makes a great center piece of any systems.

I owned a Duotrente years ago. Very nice amp, but not “tubey” at all. Smooth and refined, but without the tube warmth I like. I don’t know if the newer versions are different and I wouldn’t extrapolate this to the rest of the line.